Saturday, August 17, 2013

Beauty Salon in Morristown

Kaitlin puts on Charlie's headband

Kaitlin adds red felt to make Charlie into Little Red Riding Hood

Lip Gloss Kisses

Charlie is Kaitlin's living doll. He lets her do his hair, make-up and pretty much whatever she wants without any complaint. He had a great day with his cousins and loved all the attention!

Friday, August 16, 2013


Charlie's favorite things to do inside are play with his trains, Hess trucks, Matchbox cars, Legos, Play-Doh, and kitchen. He likes to pretend to cook pancakes with his spatula. When he plays with his cars and trucks he likes to line them all up in a row. He's getting very good at piecing the train tracks together in big configurations on the carpet. He also loves his iPad time when mommy showers and gets ready in the morning. He watches Curious George or has me find garbage truck and train YouTube videos to watch. He's very excited about his baby sister coming. He says things like hug, kiss, share and crying when we mention her. We've been trying to prepare him for all the crying babies do because he gets upset when he sees other kids cry and still avoids loud noises. He'll be moving down the hall next month to his big boy room so we can switch the nursery over to Baby T. Less than 75 days to go for her exciting debut!