Thursday, March 15, 2012

Charlie's Touchdown Dance


We don't let Charlie watch TV other than the occasional 5 minutes of cartoons if we're giving him the nebulizer, but the Superbowl was an exception. Jim and I weren't going to miss it and Charlie was still awake for for the beginning so he got to watch some too. Man was he excited! I don't know if it was because the Giants were in the Superbowl (who hoo!) or if it was just because he was getting to watch TV but he was crazy hyper that night. Here is just a taste of him that evening. 

As for for the latest update, Charlie was bitten again yesterday at the YMCA. Since it broke his skin he's now on an oral antibiotic and an antibiotic cream. He's also back on the nebulizer and a steroid because he has asthmatic bronchitis. It wasn't a good day yesterday...

1 comment:

  1. He's gotta lay off the booze so he can stay upright when dancing! :-) Even though Charlie was sick and bitten, he was super good for Nana today - 3 hour nap. Go Charlie!
    xxoo Nana
